LPG changes the trend: prices have begun to rise

Now at the most attractive gas stations, autogas costs less than 25 UAH/l. But in the coming weeks, the cost of this resource at filling stations may rise to 28-29 UAH/l.

The retail price of autogas in Ukraine has stopped declining, which has continued since December 1, 2023. During the week from February 12 to 19, most operators increased prices, as a result of which the average price for autogas in the country increased by 0.02 UAH/l, to 26.77 UAH/l. This is evidenced by the monitoring of the A-95 Consulting Group.

Now the increase in the cost of the resource is recorded in networks of the middle and lower price range. Large national chains have not yet revised the price for this type of fuel.

Let us remind you that the wholesale cost of LPG has increased noticeably at auctions of domestic producers, as well as in the price lists of importers. Privat was the first in retail to react to changes in wholesale: the group almost immediately raised prices in the retail network. Over the week, depending on the region, the price of autogas on Avias, ANP and other Privat brands increased by 0.15-0.65 UAH/l.

On average, gas prices increased the most in the KLO network – by 0.80 UAH/l, to 27.79 UAH/l, the least – in the BRSM-Nafta network – by 0.05 UAH/l, to 25.70 UAH /l. Let us note that in the Zaporozhye region at the BRSM-Nafta filling station the lowest gas price in Ukraine is 24.49 UAH/l. The largest – 29.89 UAH/l – at the Mango gas station in the Donetsk region. The most interesting offer from “Avantage 7” is below 25 UAH/l.

At the same time, a representative of the chain from the eastern region does not see even a theoretical possibility of keeping prices at last week’s level. “At the beginning of last week, we were still reducing the price on the ceiling, in response to the actions of competitors. But taking into account the current purchase prices, we can no longer keep it below 26 UAH/l,” noted one of the operators in the south-eastern part of Ukraine.

During February, in premium segment networks, gas prices fell by 0.97 UAH/l, discount gas – by 0.73 UAH/l. As of February 19, the difference between the cost of the resource in these segments is 2.43 UAH/l.

According to representatives of fuel companies, within two to three weeks the average cost of the resource may return to the level of early January. “Taking into account the dynamics of rising prices for small wholesale quantities of gas, the average cost of the resource at filling stations may increase to 28-29 UAH/l,” one of the fuel companies shared their opinion.