Police officers driving a Skoda Kodiaq demonstrate arresting offenders on the move

Police in the Czech Republic have received the first 50 specially modified Škoda Kodiaqs and organized a special demonstration of the maneuver used by patrol officers to deal with fugitive offenders.

The essence of the PIT maneuver, which stands for Precision Immobilization Technique or Pursuit Intervention Technique, is to gracefully turn the offender's car around. To do this, Kodiaq police officers are equipped with a special metal structure, which we popularly call a “kenguryatnik”.

“Some consider the effectiveness of this maneuver to be low, because the violating driver will not allow it to be used. However, the driver who is being pursued is focused on himself, he does not really follow every movement of the police car. He is stressed, he needs to watch the road ahead, he needs to brake correctly when turning, and this is the very moment when a police officer can use the PIT maneuver,” explains David Varchola, an expert on police training methods in the Czech Republic.

Typically, police use this maneuver at lower speeds – usually up to 60 km/h. In this case, the risk of the offender’s car overturning or a secondary impact with it is minimal. However, in each individual situation, police officers weigh the pros and cons before using this maneuver, because PIT, although effective, is quite dangerous both for its performers and for other road users.

After successfully completing the maneuver, when the offender’s car is successfully deployed, they try to block it with another crew, because usually during the chase the offender is caught up by several police cars. In the end, the offender can only surrender.

Now Skoda Kodiaq police officers work in many European countries. In the ranks of the National Police of Ukraine there are even so-called “phantom patrols”, which also use Skoda Kodiaq. However, these are ordinary cars that outwardly do not differ in any way from serial ones.

But the Kodiaq, which is specially made for the Czech police, is a reliable and faithful assistant for law enforcement officers, and a formidable opponent for offenders, which leaves them little chance of escape.

In addition to the frame, the typical police livery and the obligatory beacons and siren, police SUVs have other special equipment: a radio, additional interior lighting, additional USB connectors, a 230-volt outlet and holders for weapons and a notepad in the front, and no sunshade for rear passengers ( in this case the offenders).

Another feature is the rear seat belt, which fastens outward so it has a clasp at the doors. This is done so that the officer does not have to reach across the person's body when restraining him.