The attacker used an ax to chop up brand new cars in Melbourne: they are still looking for him

In Melbourne, the capital of the Australian state of Victoria, a man chopped up two dozen cars at BMW, Toyota and Mazda dealerships with the most ordinary ax.

The act of vandalism was committed at night. Brand new cars that were waiting for their buyers were damaged.

The main places of damage on cars were most often windshields and body panels. The car hater began his “raid” in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. At around 6am on Thursday, November 2, he began smashing cars at the Mazda dealership on Springvale Road.

Minutes later, he attacked several vehicles in the parking lot of a BMW dealer, including a white i8 sports car, a brand new X1 and at least two X3 SUVs.. I ended my trip at the Toyota dealer, damaging several cars there as well.

Calmly, without fuss, a man with an ax walked through the cars of three car dealerships. Where was the watchman at that time? Screenshot of Auto24 with video

Damage is estimated at approximately US$65,000. It has not yet been possible to find out the motives for such vandalism, since the police have not yet found this man. The search continues.

It is unknown why the man targeted Mazda, BMW and Toyota dealers, ignoring other car dealerships nearby.

Security camera footage shows the suspect driving an older Toyota Avalon, but the police report suggests he fled the scene on foot.. The man is about 175cm tall, has black curly hair and was wearing a light brown sweatshirt, matching trousers and shoes.

The same Mazda dealership on Springvale Road, but during the day. Screenshot from Google map

Victoria Police and Crime Squad are appealing for anyone with further information, CCTV footage or dashcam footage that could help them identify the suspect and bring him to justice.

Apparently, dealerships will also announce their reward for information about vandals in the next few days.