NFTGo experts spoke about 4 new NFT collections

NFTGo researchers published another post on the social network X, in which they talked about promising collections of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Analysts have noted 4 digital gatherings to watch. Experts said that “everyone needs to know about this. Here are new token standards and free mints, and much more.”

The first collection was called Nobody. According to the researchers, “the current mint is 0.19 ETH and the minimum price is 0.39 ETH.” The collection was created by Stephen Chow and the Nobody team. A total of 10 thousand PFPs related to film characters have been released. According to experts, “it is worth noting the decentralization of this collection – 82.73% of holders have only 1 NFT. There are 101 blue chip holders, and 3 more addresses are trading over 150 tokens.

Other collection – Ten Neighbor. Items from this collection were traded 2,759 times in the last 24 hours, making it the #1 ranked NFT collection. The researchers emphasized that minting is free and “a completely on-chain generative art.” Developed by Stany.eth. There are a total of 70 registered blue chip holders and 2 addresses, each of which stores more than 200 tokens.

The researchers further recommended considering the Pandora collection, which uses the new ERC-404 token standard. It differs from the usual ERC-721 or ERC-1155. Purchasing an asset on Uniswap V3 automatically makes the holder the owner of the NFT. The collection was created by artists under the pseudonyms ctrl and Acme. “There are 11 blue chip holders in total and 1 address holding 187 NFTs.

Finally, the researchers recommended looking at Shrapnel's digital collection. It is unique in that it offers “a utility for upcoming STX1 competitions. In addition, there is an experienced development team behind the project.”. The investors in the collection were Polychain Capital and Dragonfly. There are a total of 187 registered blue chip holders and 5 large NFT holders.