restore: will issue digital financial assets for 700 million rubles. on the Alfa Bank platform

Bank representatives declare interest of retail investors in digital assets of trading companies

On April 27, on the platform for issuing digital financial assets (DFA) “A-Token”, owned by Alfa Bank, the placement of the first issue of DFA by the retail chain of hardware and electronics stores restore: will begin.

Issues are presented in the form of a simple monetary claim with a fixed return. This is a type of DFA where the owner of the asset receives a fixed income in the form of payments from the issuer. On the maturity date of the DFA, the initial cost of the instrument is returned to the investor. The issue volume will be 700 thousand. DFA with a total value of RUB 700 million. for a period of 7.5 months and a yield of 17.75% per annum.

According to Vladimir Voeikov, director of large and medium-sized businesses at Alfa Bank, DFA issues by trading companies traditionally receive great attention from retail investors.

The A-Token platform allows you to place free liquidity or participate in raising capital from companies for both individuals and financial institutions and professional market participants.

120 DFAs were issued on A-Token for a total amount of 60 billion rubles, which is more than 50% of the total volume of DFAs on Russian platforms.