Who owns Cosmolot: plans of a new investor for business development in Ukraine

Kosmolot company is one of the leaders in the gambling industry in Ukraine. Among its advantages are absolute honesty with users, responsible business conduct and an active social position, which is proven not by word, but by deed. For example, on October 25, the next batch of drones was transferred to the front as part of the project to create a fleet of attack drones Cosmolot Airlines. This happened with the participation of the company's new investor Arnulf Damerau. What is known about the new co-owner of the company?

Arnulf Damerau: British investor in online casino Cosmolot

You can find information online that the legal owner of Cosmolot is SpaceX LLC.. A CRAIL license was issued in the name of this company, which allows the conduct and organization of casino games on the Internet. At the same time, news appeared not long ago that British businessman Arnulf Damerau became one of Cosmolot’s investors.. He invested in Kosmolot, increasing the company's authorized capital, which allowed him to obtain a significant share.

Here is the basic information you can find about a UK investor:

founder of the EuroAtlantic Institute and EuroAtlantic Group; chairs the above-mentioned companies, and also conducts events in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Munich Security Conference; invests in the hotel business, real estate, IT and renewable energy; is a shareholder of the international company Crowdstrike, which develops technologies for cybersecurity.

The new co-owner's plans for the company and the online gaming industry

According to Arnulf Damerau, Ukraine is now among the top countries in the IT and software development segment. At the same time, the legalization of online casino gambling allows you to conduct a socially responsible business with good growth prospects. Before investing in Cosmolot, Arnulf conducted a thorough audit of the company and came to the conclusion that it is one of the leaders in the Ukrainian market with excellent management and a team of programmers.

New investor Kosmolot believes that after the war our country will have a better future, which is proven by the formation of a single nation during this difficult period. Damerau strongly supports Cosmolot’s social initiatives to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Investor support for Ukraine

Damerau's investments provide additional opportunities to strengthen the country's economy and also create new jobs. The systematic development of Cosmolot and the investment of funds by investors in other projects will also increase contributions to the budget of Ukraine. In the first half of 2023 alone, Cosmolot paid taxes amounting to about UAH 1 billion.

Also, the company, with the full approval of Arnulf Damerau, provides assistance to the army, and its amount already exceeds UAH 130 million. The interests of the British investor completely coincide with the interests of the Ukrainian state, which promises long-term and fruitful cooperation.