11 stitches. Tyson Fury showed a photo after surgery

British world heavyweight champion Tyson Fury (34-0-1, 24 KOs) received a cut during a sparring with Croatian colleague Agron Smakitsi, as a result of which the fight for the title of absolute champion of the division scheduled for February 17 against unified champion Alexander Usik had to be postponed to May.

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Tyson subsequently said that he received 11 stitches.

Today the Briton showed for the first time what the damage looks like.

The Gypsy King is back home ????????@Tyson_Fury is counting down the days until he can prepare for his undisputed clash ⏳#RingofFire #FuryUsyk pic.twitter.com/fR6jYzFMrl

— Queensberry Promotions (@Queensberry) February 6, 2024