Ex-Man United player: If there had been Instagram before, we would have been fucked

Former Manchester United player Anderson believes that if Instagram had existed before, he would have been in big trouble.

The Brazilian recalled his times at Manchester United and admitted that if there had been Instagram back then, they would have had big problems, because the players played a lot of tricks.

“At one time we had a handsome football player, an ugly football player, a dissolute football player. A mixture of champions.

We didn't even have Instagram at the time, and if we did, we'd be screwed because we were doing so much crap. But we decided everything internally,” Globo quotes the Brazilian as saying.

Note that the Brazilian joined United in 2007, and Instagram appeared in 2010.

Earlier it was also reported that the CS 2 team of another ex-Manchester United player made it to the famous tournament.

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