Klopp spoke about the title race in the Premier League

Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp spoke about the progress of the title race in the Premier League.

The German specialist believes that Man City should not be written off despite the defeat to Aston Villa.

“I have no idea. We'll see this. I don't know if they will lose or not, but if someone writes Man City off, it will be the biggest joke in the history of football, it really makes no sense.

Arsenal are clearly struggling, they had the same experience as us a few days before – a very good feeling; in any case, in the next game you will have to play from the very beginning, and it will be 0:0, not 4:3, and you will not score a late goal, and you can carry it into the next game.

Aston Villa is incredible.

Manchester United is there, not playing yet, maybe exactly the football they want, I’m not sure, the media or someone else, some disputes – but they have points, so they are close.

Chelsea, I'm not sure they can join the race, but they're all different things and you have to play with them either way. What difference does it make where they are? We have to play them and they are incredibly strong, the league is incredibly strong. You have to be lucky to get through difficult moments – especially with injuries. So I don't know how this will end,” Klopp said.

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