Rejoice, Scotland: UEFA allows bagpipes at Euro 2024 matches

UEFA has officially authorized the use of bagpipes at Euro 2024 matches, ESPN writes.

Musical instruments were banned from stadiums after the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, when the stadiums were unable to hear anything because of the vuvuzelas.

From that moment on, it was prohibited to bring any “mechanical devices that make sounds” into stadiums. However, the ban does not apply to bagpipes.

“Fans can bring instruments into the stadium, but they will have to register them with their national associations, who will be responsible for centralizing fan activities in the stadium,” UEFA said at a fan forum.

This means Scottish fans will be able to attend matches with bagpipes if they first register with their national association.

Earlier it was also reported that the Prime Minister of Slovakia called for Russians to be allowed to participate in the Olympic Games.

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