Russia refused to vote for the Olympic Truce

On Tuesday, November 21, the UN General Assembly took place in New York (USA), where they considered the resolution “Building a peaceful and better world through sports and the Olympic ideals.”

118 countries voted for adoption, not a single vote was against, two countries abstained: the Russian Federation and Syria. Ukrinform reports this.

This document calls for the Olympic Truce to be observed for seven days before the Olympic Games in July 2024 and until seven days after the Paralympic Games.

The Ukrainian delegation at the UN General Assembly noted that Russia has already violated the Olympic Truce three times. In 2008, it invaded Georgia, in 2014, into Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions, and in 2022, it launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Earlier, the IOC called on countries to refuse to participate in the Russian Friendship Games.

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