A rock painting depicting the birth of Jesus Christ was found in the Sahara. True, it was created 3000 years before this event

Rock painting depicting the birth of Jesus Christ found in the Sahara. True, it was created 3000 years before this event

December 23, 15:25 Share:

A scene reminiscent of a biblical story (Photo: Marco Morelli/Seeker.com)

Scientists have discovered cave paintings in the Egyptian Sahara depicting a man, woman and baby surrounded by animals.. There is also a star in the picture, which gives it a great resemblance to the biblical story.

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This unique find was discovered by a group of Italian researchers in a cave located between the Gilf al-Kebir plateau and the Nile Valley. The ocher image represents a newborn, animals and a star in the east. The scene resembles a nativity scene, but the age of this rock art predates the biblical account of the birth of Jesus.

Geologist Marco Morelli noted the similarity of the image to a nativity scene, but noted its antiquity and predating the biblical story of the birth of Jesus. In addition, the rock art also contains elements reminiscent of Jesus symbols, such as the headless lion associated with the Lion of Judah.

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This discovery raises new questions for scientists about the symbolism and iconography of Christian symbols, the study of which can shed light on the origin and development of religious ideas. However, despite the parallels that may be similar to biblical history, the true meaning of the rock art remains a mystery.

Scientists intend to continue studying this drawing in order to better understand the history of Christian symbols.