Attempt number three. SpaceX is preparing the world's largest rocket for a new launch – photo

Attempt number three. SpaceX is preparing the world's largest rocket for a new launch – photo

December 19, 23:59 Share:

A new Starship launch could take place soon (Photo: SpaceX)

A month after its first successful launch, Elon Musk's SpaceX is preparing to send its giant Starship rocket into space again.

The company is now testing Starship ahead of its third launch at its Starbase site in South Texas.. From SpaceX's X page ( Twitter) showed how it happens. In the frame you can see the super-heavy 50-meter ship Starship.

The founder and CEO of the company, Elon Musk, immediately after the second launch on November 18, stated that the third Starship should be ready to fly by the end of the year. However, the company’s technical readiness is not the only factor. US Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA) considered what happened during the last flight, although it was called successful by SpaceX, an accident. The incident is currently under investigation, and until the investigation is completed and possible corrective actions are taken, the FAA will not be able to license Starship to fly again.

As NV Techno wrote, Starship, the largest and most powerful rocket ever built, consists of two stages that can be used repeatedly. It will potentially be used to travel to the Moon, Mars and other parts of the Universe.. It was launched into the sky only twice – on April 20 and November 18, 2023. Both test missions launched from Starbase. The April mission ended in failure. SpaceX destroyed the ship with a controlled detonation high in the skies over Texas.

The mission on November 18 was more successful – this time the Starship upper stage separated. At the same time, Super Heavy's first stage exploded as it returned to Earth.

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