End of torment. Gmail now has a quick way to get rid of annoying emails

End of torment. Gmail now has a quick way to get rid of annoying emails

December 19, 00:24 Share:

Gmail has a new feature to unsubscribe from newsletters (Photo: FellowNeko/Depositphotos)

In the web version of Gmail, the button that allows you to quickly unsubscribe from your newsletter has become much more visible.

In October, Google announced that it would require bulk email senders to add a one-click unsubscribe button to the body of sent emails.. Following this, the company updated the Gmail interface with a button Unfollow” is significantly more visible, writes 9to5google.

When opening emails in Gmail via a web browser, users now see a large blue button next to the sender's name. The blue button replaces the much more subtle version with gray font and underlining introduced in 2014.

After pressing the button Unsubscribe” the user must confirm the action. Google will then cancel the subscription by sending an email from the user's email account.

New placement of the “Unsubscribe” button in Gmail / Photo: 9to5google

There's also an even faster way to get your emails organized. The unsubscribe button is now available directly in the folder Inbox”. It can be seen and clicked after hovering over a newsletter message.

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