Everything is according to the rules. Valve opens Steam to AI-powered games

Everything is according to the rules. Valve opens Steam to AI-powered games

January 11, 03:25 Share:

Valve will begin to approve games that use AI (Photo: Valve)

Valve has updated its rules for developers. The changes will allow it to release the vast majority of games on Steam that were created using artificial intelligence.

In June, Valve announced that it was committed to continuing to publish as many games as possible on Steam, but it would take time to develop rules for working with AI-generated content.. And the solution was finally found.

“We're updating the content survey that developers take when submitting games for review on Steam.. It now contains a section for AI disclosures, which should describe how these technologies are used to develop the game, as well as when the game is running. …Valve uses this information when reviewing the game before release. Some of this information will also be posted on the game's Steam store page so that users can understand how the game uses AI technologies,” reads a post on the Steam blog.

In addition, players will have the opportunity to report illegal content created by artificial intelligence. The decisions made, according to the company, “will allow the release of the vast majority of games” that used AI.

Recall that last year, several developers complained that Valve was rejecting Steam games that contained content created by artificial intelligence. The company subsequently explained that its AI policy must be consistent with current copyright laws.

Read also: First in history. A game created entirely by artificial intelligence has been released on Steam. What can you play with ChatGPT? Five best games with AI bot