Fantastic hit. Sony amazed with sales volumes of the super popular PS5

Fantastic hit. Sony amazed with sales volumes of the super popular PS5

December 5, 02:07 Share:

PlayStation 5 is rapidly increasing sales (Photo: REUTERS / Issei Kato / File Photo)

PlayStation 5 continues to be the second best-selling console in Sony history. The company has sold 28 PS5s every minute this year.

A new report from the company indicates that on average, more than 40 thousand PlayStation 5 consoles were sold daily in 2023.

In October 2023, the company sold 1,238,109 console units. Consequently, 1,696 PlayStation 5s were sold every hour, or about 28 units per minute, writes Insider Gaming.

Last month, it was revealed that the PlayStation 5 was the world's best-selling console in October 2023, both in terms of units sold and dollar sales..

In just three years of the console's existence, Sony has already sold just under 45 million PS5 units. Now this console is second only to one in the linear company – the PlayStation 2, which was released in 2000 and sold 158.7 million copies.

In November, Sony, as NV Techno wrote, introduced the updated PlayStation 5 Slim console. It is 30% thinner than the original version, has 1 TB of memory, and a removable disk drive.

It is predicted that with the new PlayStation 5 Slim model, Sony could reach 100 million units sold within the next two years

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