For the fluffy and talented. A piano for dogs was released in Hong Kong – video

For the fluffy and talented. A piano for dogs was released in Hong Kong – video

January 12, 16:08 Share:

A musical instrument for dogs was presented at CES 2024 (Photo: Zoo Gears)

Hong Kong startup Zoo Gears demonstrated an unusual four-key musical instrument in Las Vegas. Animals should play on it.

The developer calls his invention TheButter a universal smart musical instrument for pets. This simple device with four large backlit keys became a hit on Kickstarter last year: the startup raised almost 26 thousand US dollars on this platform instead of the planned 6 thousand.

As Zoo Gears explains, to use the device, you need to select the song you want to play with your pet in a special application and launch it on the device in the form of a white plastic panel with four keys, which must be located on a flat surface.

When the song starts playing, the device will light up one of four keys, each of which corresponds to a specific note. The animal will follow the lights and press the right button with its paw in time. A treat is provided for correct execution.. This toy costs $99 ( cost of companion application included).

Engadget writes that the company is now working on an improved version of the product, which will include an automated food dispenser called TheBiscuit, which will give your pet a treat after pressing the correct keys.. Such a device will cost significantly more – $299. Read also: Useful technique. Xiaomi has released a robot drummer – video Does your cat need a nanny? LG has created a robot that can care for animals