Friendship versus OpenAI? IBM and Meta form a coalition for public AI

Friendship versus OpenAI? IBM and Meta form a coalition for public AI

December 5, 23:05 Share:

Creation of the AI Alliance on open source AI (Photo: IBM)

More than 50 companies, including IBM and Meta, have teamed up to create the AI Alliance. The purpose of the union is to fight for open source AI ( as opposed to proprietary models like OpenAI and Google).

The AI Alliance, according to a joint statement, attracted researchers, developers and technology companies to exchange tools and knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence. The alliance calls its mission the creation of an open community that would contribute to the creation responsible innovation” with artificial intelligence and supporting competitiveness and diversity in the field of artificial intelligence.

The alliance's work will also focus on creating open-source artificial intelligence models, as opposed to proprietary models used by companies such as OpenAI and Google.

“We believe it's better when artificial intelligence is developed openly so more people can access the benefits, create innovative products and work on safety,” said Nick Clegg, Meta's president of global policy.

More than 50 organizations and educational institutions have joined IBM and Meta in the alliance. Among them are Intel, NASA, AMD, Linux Foundation, Oracle, Sony Group, American Ivy League universities and others. It is noteworthy that the ChatGPT developer OpenAI, its sponsor Microsoft, and Google are not among the alliance members.

As NV wrote, the day before the UK National Cyber Security Center published recommendations on the security of artificial intelligence. They were approved by 18 countries.

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