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“Everything ended in one day”. Aitiv residents share how to cope with dismissal

IT specialists shared their own experience. Mykola Kalakutskyi, a Project Manager with more than nine years of work experience, wrote on LinkedIn that his project was being closed, and accordingly, cooperation with him was ending. Now the manager is looking for a new project, but has not yet fully recovered from the loss of his job.

Despite trying to think positively and take it as new perspectives, he feels sad. It is possible to drive away negativity only for a while, and then all over again. The specialist asked other users of the social network how they coped with the dismissal.

Aitiv residents shared how they lost their jobs

Mykhailo Khadzhinov wrote in the comments that he was fired twice.

“For the first time, this was my first job as a Unity developer. I had already been working for 10 weeks, the trial period was one month, so I thought it was a long time. I came to work one morning and couldn't log into any of my work accounts. Somewhere in the middle of the day, I found out that the customer had fired me,” the developer shared and added that the company behaved decently.

And the second time they were fired because of a conflict with the team leader (according to the team leader – due to unproductiveness and irresponsibility, added the IT worker). “Those who know me understand that this is absurd, I will not expand on this topic here.”

“I lost my job twice during the war. Suddenly, unexpectedly. They just closed the department. The computer was blocked. It's all over. Releases, meetings, ideas, a great team, a great project – everything ended in one day. The second time, I really cried a lot,” wrote developer Kateryna Romanchuk.

Crying, shouting and several other ways to go through the stage of job loss

Software Test Automation Engineer Oleksiy Yaroshenko agreed that layoffs are unpleasant. However, there is no need to tear your hair out over this.

“To relieve stress and release suppressed emotions – the gym. For sleep – sedatives. The period of disorientation will last for some time until the “plan” appears. When the plan appears, the goal will appear, when the goal appears, it will be easier. It is advisable to think through the budget of expenses for the period of uncertainty. The support of relatives is very important,” said the citizen of Aitiv.

Tester Alyona Sydorenko wrote that she was also in a similar situation. She couldn't do anything, but then she decided not to force herself and completely abstracted from IT.

“After the rest, I noticed that I had more motivation, strength, energy, I returned to preparing for the interview and believed in myself. It worked for me,” the girl said.

Medical consultant Yana Antonenko advised to look for a job to your heart's content, not just a salary. And she shared her way of fighting sadness.

I went out into the forest, where there is no one, I think it would also be suitable in the field, and screamed at the top of my voice. About how painful and unfair it is, how much I still wanted to implement projects. Swearing and asking for help, I don't even know exactly from whom. And I also thought about what I really wanted to do in the coming years.”

Recruiter Olga Ditkovska told how to get through forced unemployment more easily. “I was grieving. And it was easier for me to mourn under this music.”

It helps me to cry, pray, talk with friends about what hurts and what worries me now. I understand that it is normal to sometimes feel sadness and grief and to experience these emotions. I am learning to accept my own and other people's weaknesses and strengths,” wrote Project Manager Anton Suntsov.

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There were a lot of tips, so we add some of them separately with screenshots. But to summarize everything briefly: don't keep your emotions in yourself, rest, do sports or something you like, communicate with loved ones, appreciate and take care of yourself.