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Many business managers, as well as employees, are still undecided about the feasibility of maintaining a remote work format. A number of technology companies, for example, are actively bringing employees back to offices. Indeed, a recent study found that remote workers are less likely to receive promotions and their salaries grow at a significantly slower rate. However, many people are willing to sacrifice these opportunities.

Some business people, like the founder of the US hedge fund Citadel Ken Griffin, believe that remote work is damaging to corporate culture. In addition, it does not contribute to the development of relations between managers and employees. As a result, it is easier to fire remote employees or deprive them of certain opportunities, such as salary increases or career advancement.

Indeed, a December Resume Builder survey of 1,190 respondents found that in 2023, they were the least likely to get promoted or negotiate higher compensation.

Thus, among the respondents surveyed this year, only 42% of telecommuters received a raise, compared to 54% of those with a hybrid schedule and 55% of office workers. The situation with salaries is approximately the same. 41% of remote workers received raises of up to 10%, compared to 50% of full-time and hybrid staff.

But some of those who work from home seem to know what they're “paying” for. Thus, 11% of respondents who work a full week in offices rated their mental health as terrible. 8% of remote users gave the same answer. A high level of stress was noted by 43% of full-time employees against 30% of remote employees.

About half of the office staff surveyed plan to look for a new job in 2024. Many are considering the remote format and are ready for a lower salary. On the other hand, about half of the telecommuters reported similar plans. But they mostly see it as a career opportunity. That is, they will at least look for higher paying jobs or management or curatorial roles.

In general, the researchers concluded that remote workers are happier than office workers, and are willing to “pay” to have a better work-life balance.