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The Ukrainian hacker group KibOrg leaked the entire database of the largest Russian commercial bank Alfa-Bank, the group's website says. It contains the data of 38 million clients, both individuals and legal entities.

In total, the table contains 115,217,571 records, where the name, date of birth, account number and phone number of the customer, as well as other data are indicated. The database has customer records since 2004. Hackers hacked the database back in October 2023. Then they made public access to only a part of this database. Alfa-Bank denied the information about the leak of customer data and called it a fake. However, the Russian mass media checked the published data and found that it is real. Last year, Kiborg also managed to call the owner of the bank, Mykhailo Fridman.. He commented on the hacking of the bank's client base with the words “Well, let it.”

The Ukrainian branch of “Alfa-Bank” was renamed Sense Bank after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

However, in the summer of 2023, the bank was nationalized. It will be under the control of the state until the end of martial law in Ukraine.

Ukraine introduced sanctions against Mykhailo Fridman himself and other owners of Alfa-Bank. Restrictive measures were also applied to them in the EU, Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand.