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There are currently 362,000 Aitivites in Ukraine. How many specialists have been mobilized

The IT Ukraine Association named the current data on mobilization in IT.

There are currently 362,000 IT specialists in Ukraine, of which approximately 5,000 are in service. Such data were provided by the IT Ukraine Association.

DOU was also informed there that currently 3,500 Aitiv residents are booked.

In May, these data were slightly different. Yes, half a year ago there were 307 thousand IT specialists, 2 thousand reserved and 4-4.5 thousand. mobilized. And the total number of conscripts in IT was 150,000, noted the executive director of IT Ukraine Association Kostyantyn Vasyuk.

Changes in mobilization

Recently, the Ministry of Defense began to implement the project of recruiting for the Armed Forces. Recruitment will be handled by Lobby X, there are already relevant vacancies on the organization's website. The Ministry is also negotiating with other companies operating in the employment market.

Thanks to this, the Ministry of Defense hopes to create a professional and motivated army. In addition, this is one more step towards the refusal of compulsory service.

What about the reservation of Aitivites

Critically important IT companies can book their employees. However, even they do not always manage to book employees. The Ministry of Statistics explained that one of the reasons is that there is complete chaos in the paper documents relating to conscripts.

In addition, problems may arise if a citizen has not appeared at the military commissariat since school.

They are also planning to launch electronic booking in Ukraine. The fact is that requests are currently processed mostly physically, so this can affect the waiting time. And “eBooking” should solve this problem.