It turned out inconvenient. A man suspiciously similar to the hero of the GTA VI trailer demands a large amount from Rockstar

It turned out inconvenient. Suspectedly similar to the hero of the GTA VI trailer, a man is getting a tidy sum from Rockstar

December 12, 00:36 Share:

Rockstar faces lawsuit over GTA VI trailer (Photo: Screenshot from Rockstar video / YouTube)

The GTA VI trailer alone continues to create hype. This time, Rockstar is facing a lawsuit: a blogger from Florida claims that one of the characters shown in the video was copied from him.

YouTube blogger SKizzle published a video on social networks in which he convinces that the character shown in the 64th second of the trailer, a short-haired guy with purple-dyed hair and a significant number of tattoos on his face, is too similar to him. The man demands monetary compensation for not giving consent to the use of his image in the game.

“We should talk about GTA. Or no, you gentlemen should give me a million or two,” he said in a video addressed to Rockstar Entertainment.

Note that this is not the first time that Rockstar has faced legal action due to the fact that characters in its legendary video game series Grand Theft Auto bear strong resemblance to real people.. In particular, in 2018, the court put an end to the case of actress Lindsay Lohan against Rockstar, rejecting the claims of the star, who claimed that one of the female characters of GTA V is a copy of her.

As NV Techno wrote, Rockstar Games, publisher of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, announced the release of a trailer for the new, sixth part of the series, on December 5. However, on December 4, the video was leaked online, which forced the company to release the trailer earlier. In six days, the video has already collected more than 140 million views, setting a record on YouTube.

Rockstar Games has announced that GTA VI will be released for PS5 and Xbox S/X in 2025. Analysts have already begun to predict when PC users will be able to play this game.

Read also: GTA 6 gameplay leaked online. Burglar demands deal with Rockstar We've been waiting for ten years. The developer mentioned that players' favorite weapons will return to GTA 6