The planet wants to say something. Scientists talk about a mysterious phenomenon that occurs on Earth every 27 million years

The planet wants to say something. Scientists talk about a mysterious phenomenon that occurs on Earth every 27 million years

November 10, 18:42 Share:

Geologists have studied an unusual cycle on Earth (Photo: pexels)

Researchers have discovered an amazing geological cycle on Earth. It is characterized by an increase in tragic events, including volcanic activity, mass extinctions, movement of tectonic plates and rising sea levels.

A team of geologists led by Michael Rampino from New York University analyzed 89 well-studied geological events over the past 260 million years.

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Some of these events were associated with catastrophic environmental changes, including extinctions of marine and land species, anoxic ocean events, basaltic eruptions, sea level changes, and global pulses of intraplate magmatism.

This is a kind of geological The heartbeat” has a cycle of approximately 27.5 million years.

A new discovery confirms a hypothesis that has existed for decades about the cyclical nature of geological events on Earth. Despite various theories about the causes of this cycle, science does not yet have an exact answer.

According to geologists, this cycle may be associated with geophysical processes such as the dynamics of plate tectonics and mantle plumes, or astronomical cycles associated with the Earth's movement in the solar system and galaxy.

This discovery could help further our understanding of Earth's processes and their impact on the environment.

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