You won't scare us with blackouts. TOP 3 power banks with a capacity of more than 50,000 mAh

You won't scare us with blackouts. TOP 3 power banks with a capacity of more than 50,000 mAh

October 28, 08:02 Share:

Prepare for winter power outages with our rating of power banks with a capacity of 50,000 mAh or more (Photo:

We select the best high-capacity power banks in terms of price and quality ratio.

This coming winter we are likely to experience another round of missile terror and a new wave of massive power outages known as blackouts.

We'll be better prepared for them this time, right?

Those who have the means have already acquired charging stations and generators.

Well, in this article we will talk about high-capacity power banks. They allow you to charge various gadgets multiple times.And what could be better than a capacious spare battery during a blackout?

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CIA Director William Burns wrote a book,
which, in my opinion, should be mandatory reading for those who seek to understand all important events in the world since the end of the 20th century, in particular behind the scenes of diplomacy, international politics

Kyrylo Budanov , head of the GUR, about the book
Invisible power
.How American diplomacy works

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Putin was forced to kill one of his most trusted lieutenants, Prigozhin, in front of the whole world to show that he was still in charge. It's like the end of the gangster movie Scarface when Tony Montana kills his best friend
Boris Johnson , British ex-prime minister

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The European Union appeared only because the West lost all wars for its empires
Timothy Snyder , a famous American historian

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Volodymyr Zelenskyi has been the president of the country in a state of war for more than 600 days, he is quite tired, and I am not sure that he is so hungry for power that he wants to stay in power forever
Francis Fukuyama , a star American political scientist and philosopher

Full interview with Fukuyama
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