Gasoline fell by 13 kopecks

Over the past week, the cost of fuel was stable at most filling stations.. But those companies that have revised prices are following a downward trend.

From October 6 to October 14, the average price of A-95 gasoline decreased by 0.13 UAH and is 55.34 UAH/l, A-95+ – by 0.02 UAH – to 58.33 UAH/l, diesel fuel – by 0 .18 UAH/l – up to 55.62 UAH/l. This is evidenced by the monitoring of the A-95 Consulting Group.

Of the national chains, only AMIC has seen changes: A-95 on average has fallen in price by 0.63 UAH, to 53.69-55.49 UAH/l, A-95+ – by 0.50 UAH, to 56, 49 UAH. -56.99 UAH/l, diesel – by 0.82 UAH, up to 54.69-55.49 UAH/l.

In general, the main events took place in the discount segment. In these networks, the average price for A-95 gasoline decreased by 0.29 UAH/l, to 54.37 UAH/l, A-95+ – by 0.12 UAH, to 57.77 UAH/l, diesel fuel 0. 39 UAH, up to 54.47 UAH/l.

For U.GO, VST and BRSM-Oil, the average cost of A-95 decreased by 0.06–0.86 UAH/l, GP – by 0.15–0.87 UAH/l. In addition, diesel fuel fell in price in the RLS, Prime and Factor networks by 0.50-1 UAH/l.

Fuel in the UPG and Catral networks has fallen in price by 1 UAH/l: the price for A-95 is 53.90 UAH/l and 54.99 UAH/l, respectively, for diesel fuel – 53.90 UAH/l and 54.79 UAH/l respectively. Also, the cost of fuel decreased by 1 UAH at filling stations of the KLO network: A-95 – to 54.39 UAH/l, diesel – to 54.29 UAH/l.

Change in retail prices for gasoline and GP at filling stations from November 6 to November 14, 2023, UAH/l:

We would like to remind you that last weekend the Avantage 7 gas stations in the Kyiv region resumed their work, the work of which was stopped on November 2 due to the deprivation of licenses for the retail trade of fuel.. The cost of A-95 gasoline online is 49.95 UAH/l, diesel fuel is 51.55 UAH/l.

According to the A-95 Consulting Group, the spread between the retail and wholesale prices for diesel fuel is 7.78 UAH/l, for A-95 gasoline – 9.78 UAH/l. Such indicators indicate quite good potential for further reduction in fuel prices in retail chains.