How to successfully pass the theoretical exam at the Ministry of Internal Affairs service center: tips

A theoretical exam at a service center is a mandatory procedure on the way to the desired driver’s license. However, in order to learn, and most importantly, understand the meaning of all points of the traffic rules, you need to spend a lot of effort.

Perfect knowledge of traffic rules is no less important than good driving skills. After all, knowledge of the theory helps to avoid or prevent most emergency situations on roads or city streets.

Now driver candidates have two opportunities to master the theoretical part of traffic rules: study it on their own or within the walls of any driving school. However, the most effective method is to combine both ways.

Learning theory on your own is sometimes difficult, but the good news is that it’s free. Nowadays there are many freely available applications for learning Ukrainian traffic rules online. When choosing one of them, pay attention to which edition of the traffic rules manual is used. It must be up to date because the rules are amended quite often.

The easiest, and perhaps the simplest way is to use the application recommended by the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. This is quite convenient, and besides, the website of the Main Service Center will be useful to you a little later.

On the main page of the website of the State Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there is a section called “Take the traffic rules knowledge test”. By clicking on the direct link, you will immediately be taken to the official tests on the rules of the road. That is, exactly the same questions will await you during the exam at the service center. The application is also convenient because you can learn questions by topic, work through your mistakes, and there is a list of the most common mistakes that beginners make during the exam.

An equally important component of the theoretical part are road signs. Their list and meaning can also be found in the public domain. There are many options for both tests and simple material on this topic.. Therefore, here everyone can choose what they want.

When choosing the option to study at a driving school, you can get any answers on a particular topic from qualified specialists, so don’t be afraid to ask any questions. Typically, driving school teachers are responsible for the knowledge of their students, so they are ready to explain the material and give advice until you master it.

However, it is still worth understanding that training in a driving school does not take place individually, and usually specialists work with a group of people at once, and classes are held in the form of lectures. This format may not be very convenient, because you need to attend lectures, and in our realities there may not be enough time for this.

It is also worth understanding that training in a driving school costs money, and the cost may directly depend on the place where you live. That is why, when choosing a driving school, you first need to find out the price of the issue and look at the reviews.

Even while studying at a driving school, it will be useful to master the material using tests on the Internet. That is why, from our own experience, we advise you to combine these two methods of studying theory. This way you can not only “memorize”, but also understand the essence of the rules of the road.

When the period of training in a driving school is over, or if you studied on your own and feel that you are ready for the exam, you need to choose a service center. During martial law, exams are accepted by a limited number of territorial service centers. You can also view the list of available ones on the website of the State Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the section “How to become a driver”.

There are two ways to register for the exam:. First: using an electronic recording, again, on the website of the main service center. In the “E-record” section, you need to choose a method to confirm your identity, provide permission to process personal data, select the nearest service center, a day and time convenient for you. Next, you just have to save the ticket and show up at the appropriate date and time at the premises of the service center you have chosen.

You can also get a coupon at the service center premises.. There is a special machine for this. However, on some days you may be unlucky and there may be no free coupons left.

For the theoretical exam, you need to have a package of documents with you: the original passport, identification code and a medical certificate granting the right to drive a vehicle.

When you have dealt with everything and are already in the service center premises waiting for your turn, try not to be nervous. It happens that your ticket is not called at the appropriate time – this is normal.. Sometimes, due to the large volume of applicants, the queue is slightly delayed.

When your coupon number is announced on a special screen, you need to go to the desk with the number indicated in the message and provide a list of documents. Next, you will receive clear instructions from the service center employee.. Don’t be shy to ask the employees anything – they are people just like you, and they work there just so that the exam does not become a problem for you.

To take the exam, you will need to pay the cost of taking the exam.. This can be done at the service center in a special machine, or at the checkout. The cost of the exam is 13 hryvnia.

Then you will be invited to the classroom where there will be computers with questions. Usually up to 20 people take the exam in one class. When the examiner announces the start of the exam, a 20-question exam paper will appear on your monitor.

The exam is passed if you answer 18 out of 20 questions correctly.. If you made more than three mistakes, the exam will not be passed, and you will be able to try again no earlier than 10 calendar days later.. The number of attempts to pass the theoretical exam is unlimited.

The next step after successfully passing the theoretical exam is preparation for the practical exam.. You can’t do without a driving school and an instructor here.. We will tell you about practical training in the next part of our material.

To summarize, we can draw a simple conclusion – the theoretical exam will not be a problem for you if you take your preparation responsibly. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand something.. And most importantly, don't worry. The theoretical exam, although important, is not a very difficult step on the path to a driver’s license. Even if you fail to pass it the first time, remember that you have an unlimited number of attempts.