Is it worth buying Arctic diesel instead of winter diesel?

Diesel fuel is divided into three categories: summer, winter and arctic. In the cold season, you can use both winter and arctic diesel, but which one is better for our conditions?

Summer diesel can be safely used when the temperature is above 0°C. Summer diesel thickens if the temperature drops to minus 5°C. Winter diesel fuel has an operating temperature of up to minus 20°C.

Arctic diesel fuel can be used freely even when the temperature drops below minus 30°C, and there is also one that can withstand even -40°C, such as the Arctic diesel Mustang from WOG. At the same time, diesel fuel does not have an upper limit range. That is, winter and arctic diesel can be used at higher temperatures.

In Ukraine, the temperature does not drop below minus 20°C every year and, at first glance, the use of Arctic diesel is not justified, because it is more expensive. But if you look into this issue, the difference in price is not that significant, and some benefits can be obtained.

Weather independent

Diesel car tanks are usually quite large. Having 70-100 liters of fuel in reserve will not harm anyone, especially in winter and during war. During normal use in the city, a full tank can last more than a month. The weather forecast is not correct for such a period. And in the event of a very significant drop in temperature, it is better to be prepared for it in advance.

Easier startup

At low temperatures, Arctic diesel makes engine starting easier. This reduces the load on the battery, starter and glow plugs. If the car is not new, this can be an additional factor to ensure a reliable start.


The use of Arctic diesel does not provide a noticeable increase in power when the engine is already warmed up. But until it reaches operating temperature, the Arctic diesel has an advantage.

Better atomization through the injectors at low temperatures allows you to get more torque and reduce the load on a cold engine. Considering that diesel engines take quite a long time to warm up in winter, this is an important factor.

Modern diesel engines have a complex and expensive exhaust gas cleaning system. The use of high-quality diesel fuel allows you to increase the life of valuable components

Environmental indicators

Arctic diesel, which has a larger temperature margin, burns better in the engine. Especially when the engine is not warmed up. The fact is that the remaining fuel that is not burned in the combustion chamber ends up on the catalyst and particulate filter. These are quite expensive parts, and using Arctic diesel instead of winter diesel can extend their life.


You can notice the difference in fuel consumption between winter and Arctic diesel if the car is used in the city and has low mileage. As mentioned earlier, Arctic diesel atomizes better when the engine is not yet warmed up. This not only provides benefits in terms of parts life and environmental performance, but also contributes to cost efficiency. You shouldn’t count on a significant reduction in fuel consumption, but you can still save a few percent.


Typically, Arctic diesel is a premium fuel. Using the example of the WOG filling station network, only the branded Mustang DP is Arctic. It is produced in Finland. It can withstand frosts down to -40°C. In addition to the advantages characteristic of Arctic fuel, premium diesel has a number of other bonuses that affect the durability of the engine and fuel system. Improved fuel characteristics in this case can significantly improve the dynamic performance of a diesel car.