The police in Pavlograd “worked” with their own Dragger, which always showed that the driver was drunk

The Department of Internal Security of the National Police of Ukraine promptly responded to a report of police bribe-takers who were committing crimes at a checkpoint in Pavlograd.

On the way out of the city towards the Dnepropetrovsk region, criminals in uniform brazenly persuaded drivers to make “charitable contributions” to the patrolmen’s pockets, promising not to bring them to administrative responsibility.

During operational actions, it was established that the police, while checking cars at a checkpoint on the alleged suspicion of the driver being intoxicated, carried out tests. The procedure is standard and there is nothing illegal about it. However, the police “used a dragger, which was not on the police’s balance sheet and always showed an excess of the permissible limit.”

Drivers could only agree, since the device was certified and supposedly could not lie. However, the hints that it was possible to do without drawing up an administrative protocol for driving in a state of even slight intoxication were almost direct. Of course, for money.

The moment of the arrest of the road “generoser”, his fake breathalyzer and the money confiscated from him, the origin of which will be established by the investigation. Photo: DVB of the National Police of Ukraine

It is not reported how exactly the “test purchase” was carried out, but the official statement of the mentioned Department says that DVB operatives detained one of the criminals in a procedural manner while receiving a bribe in the amount of 17,000 hryvnia.

During the searches, more than 400 thousand hryvnia and 6 thousand US dollars were confiscated from the defendant. The origin of the seized funds is now being established and investigative actions are continuing.

Under the procedural guidance of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, a notice of suspicion is being prepared for the detainee.. 3 Art. 368 (Acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of unlawful benefit by an official) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. For his crime he faces up to ten years in prison.