For the biggest secrets. WhatsApp now has voice messages with auto-deletion

For the biggest secrets. WhatsApp now has voice messages with auto-deletion

December 9, 12:15 Share:

WhatsApp has updated voice messages (Photo: WhatsApp)

Two years ago, WhatsApp introduced a one-time view feature for photos and videos.. After viewing, such media files are no longer available. Now the same option is available for voice messages.

WhatsApp by default protects customer voice messages with end-to-end encryption, just like all other private messages. The one-time view feature is also aimed at protecting privacy, the company says.

“We launched a one-time view feature for photos and videos back in 2021 to give your communications an extra layer of privacy. Today we are happy to announce that you can now send a voice message that will disappear after listening. Now you can feel secure and share sensitive information via voice messages, such as reading your credit card details out loud to a friend or discussing planning a surprise,” WhatsApp said in a blog post.

One-time voice messages will be available to customers worldwide. They will gradually appear to users over the next few days.

Voice messages that are enabled for one-time viewing cannot be forwarded or saved. They also note that you need to listen to such a voice message within 14 days after receiving it – otherwise it will disappear.

As NV Techno wrote, the day before users were able to close locked up” the most intimate correspondences on WhatsApp. The new feature will come in handy if the phone ends up in the wrong hands.

Read also: Long-awaited feature. WhatsApp allows you to open two accounts simultaneously on one device, just like Discord. WhatsApp will have group voice chats. A new authorization method. WhatsApp will allow you to log into your account without SMS