An unusual magnifying glass came in handy. Scientists have found the two most distant galaxies of bizarre shapes

An unusual magnifying glass came in handy. Scientists have found the two most distant galaxies of bizarre shapes

November 15, 22:51 Share:

Scientists have discovered unique galaxies UNCOVER z-13 and UNCOVER z-12 (Photo: NASA, UNCOVER)

A team of astronomers from the University of Pennsylvania using the James Webb Space Telescope has discovered two galaxies that are the most distant ever observed.

The discovered galaxies UNCOVER z-13 and UNCOVER z-12 are located at a distance of almost 33 billion light years from Earth. They are the second and fourth most distant galaxies ever observed.. Unlike other galaxies discovered at this distance, these galaxies have a unique shape and larger size. One looks like a peanut, the other a fluffy ball, astronomers say.

To search for these distant galaxies that hide behind the giant galaxy cluster Abell 2744 ( Pandora cluster), located 3.5 billion light years away, astronomers used a so-called gravitational lens. This is the effect that the Pandora Cluster creates, bending the fabric of space-time and helping to amplify the light that lies beyond it, according to the University of Pennsylvania website.

Researchers believe that this discovery will provide insight into how ancient galaxies could have formed.

“The light from these galaxies is ancient, about three times older than Earth. These early galaxies are like lighthouses, their light breaking through the very thin hydrogen that made up the early Universe. It is only through their light that we can begin to understand the exotic physics that governed the galaxy at the cosmic dawn,” said Joel Leja, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Pennsylvania.

Earlier, NV Techno wrote that with the help of the James Webb Space Telescope, a black hole was first discovered at an early stage of growth. Its mass is similar to that of its galaxy.

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