Cat and mouse with the tech giant. Well-known developer gives up trying to bring iMessage to Android devices

Cat and mouse with the tech giant. Well-known developer gives up trying to bring iMessage to Android devices

December 22, 18:25 Share:

Beeper will no longer try to beat Apple in the battle for iMessage (Photo: Cadista/Depositphotos)

Apple hasn't stopped closing loopholes that allowed its exclusive iMessage technology to join Android. After a month of trying, Beeper abandoned its goal of giving users full access to its messaging system.

The messenger developer said that he considers his latest version of the program to be Apple can handle it”. However, if the Cupertino company again creates obstacles to the operation of Beeper Mini messenger technologies with iMessage support, the developer doesn't plan to answer.”

“Every time Beeper Mini fails or becomes unreliable due to Apple interference, Beeper's credibility is at stake. It's not viable. Even though we want to fight for what we believe is a fantastic product that should really exist, the truth is that we can't win a cat and mouse game with the biggest company on earth.” company CEO Eric Migikovsky on the Beeper blog.

The head of the company also claims that the Beeper Mini blocking seems increasingly difficult for Apple itself”. Migikovskiy is convinced that the only reason Apple isn't supporting a workable solution to Android users' access to secure messaging when the company still hasn't adopted the RCS standard is because it's afraid of losing money.

“They could make less money selling iPhones if iMessage was available on Android. Some Apple representatives admitted that iMessage on Android will simply serve to remove barriers for iPhone families giving their children Android phones,” he says.

As NV Techno wrote, numerous developers have tried to make iMessage work on Android, and Beeper Mini, which provides connection directly to Apple services, has been called the most amazing of such programs.

Since the launch of Beeper Mini, Apple has continued to claim that the developer's methods created significant security risks,” and block new attempts by companies to provide direct access to iMessage.

The controversy has attracted the attention of US lawmakers.. A bipartisan group of senators and members of the US House of Representatives has asked the US Department of Justice to investigate Apple's potential anti-competitive attitude” towards Beeper.

Read also: Messenger for the elite. Google wants Apple to make iMessage available to everyone Getting closer to Android. iPhone will have a new messaging standard