Even more laziness? Google AI chatbot learns to watch YouTube videos for you

Even more laziness? Google AI chatbot learns to watch YouTube videos for you

November 24, 02:10 Share:

Chatbot Bard has learned to watch YouTube videos for you (Photo:rafapress/deposithotos)

Google's Bard AI chatbot can now watch YouTube videos and provide answers to questions related to their content.

The company announced that it is doing first steps in Bard's ability to understand YouTube videos”. Before this latest update, Bard could only be used to search for specific videos on YouTube. Now you can ask the chatbot specific questions about the video. For example, if we are talking about a pie recipe, the chatbot can be asked how many eggs are needed for this recipe.

“We heard you want to engage deeper with YouTube videos. That's why we're expanding YouTube's ability to understand specific video content so you can have deeper conversations with Bard about it,” the company said in a statement, as cited by TechCrunch.

The Verge notes that for now this function is only available to participants in the Google Labs project for testing new products, and is unstable. For example, journalists asked the chatbot to analyze a recipe video, and it did not provide information about the “full recipe,” but was able to provide cooking instructions when asked for “step-by-step instructions.”

NV Techno previously wrote that Google is testing a new Dream Track feature for YouTube. It makes it very easy to generate new music tracks – thanks to text prompts.

YouTube is also testing two tools using generative artificial intelligence. One of them analyzes comments under videos and highlights messages united by a specific topic.. And the second is an AI chatbot that answers common video questions and suggests related content.

Read also: ChatGPT competitor. Artificial intelligence from Google is now available in Ukraine – Bard New features. Google introduced an updated version of Assistant with Bard with artificial intelligence

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