Funny money. A data leak showed how much the creators of Spider-Man earn from their games

funny money. A data leak showed how much the creators of Spider-Man earn from their games

December 21, 00:24 Share:

It became known how much Insomniac Games earned from the game Sunset Overdrive (Photo: Sunset Overdrive / Steam)

2014 game Sunset Overdrive, developed by the American studio Insomniac Games ( owned by Sony), brought the company only $567 in profit.

After hackers from the Rhysida group published numerous internal documents from Insomniac Games, the world learned a lot of details about what the studio spent on developing each game over the past years, and what the games' sales and revenues ultimately were.

According to Insider Gaming, financial documents revealed that the 2014 adventure video game Sunset Overdrive, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Microsoft Studios, brought in less than a thousand dollars in profit for the company.. 42,682,135 dollars were invested in its development. 1,898,433 lints were sold for a total of $49,737,133. After expenses have been allocated ( considering that the game was also developed by the Blind Squirrel Games team), Insomniac Games earned $567.

This third-person action-adventure game immerses players in the dystopian world of the mutant-infested metropolis Sunset City.. Although Sunset Overdrive, released as an Xbox and PC exclusive, didn't take the market by storm, it was received positively by players ( it currently has over 90% positive reviews on Steam and a score of 81/100 on Metacritic).

Recall that this month the hacker group Rhysida said it had stolen more than a terabyte of Insomniac Games data and demanded a $2 million ransom from Sony.. Without receiving the money, the hackers published the stolen data on the Internet. The leak previously revealed that Sony is developing a Wolverine game, Wolverine, and also plans to release two more X-Men games over the next 10 years.

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