Generated will not work. YouTube will penalize users for irresponsible use of AI

Generated – will not work. YouTube will penalize users for irresponsible use of AI

November 16, 01:42 Share:

YouTube will flag videos created using AI (Photo: unsplash)

YouTube will soon begin requiring video creators to disclose whether their videos were created using generative artificial intelligence.. Violators are subject to punishment and their content may be removed.

YouTube notes that AI technologies are becoming more powerful and can be used to mislead viewers. Especially if they don't know that the video has been altered or created entirely by AI.

To address the issue, the company will introduce a number of changes to the platform over the coming months.

“Specifically, we will require creators to report if they have modified or created realistic content, particularly using AI tools. When creators upload content, there will be new options where they can specify whether the video contains realistic altered or artificial material. For example, this could be an AI-generated video that realistically depicts an event that never happened, or content that shows someone saying or doing something they didn't actually do,” YouTube said in a blog post. .

Video creators who knowingly withhold information about the use of AI and other technologies may be expelled from the YouTube Partner Program or otherwise penalized.

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Some of the changes will be aimed at making it easier for viewers to identify edited videos.. Viewers will be informed that content has been changed via a new note in the video description. In some cases, videos may be removed from the platform.

“For certain types of content on sensitive topics, we will add a more prominent label in the video player. There are also some areas where a single tag may not be enough to reduce the risk of harm, and some synthetic media, regardless of whether they have tags on them, will be removed from our platform if they violate our Community Guidelines. For example, a man-made video depicting realistic violence may be removed if its intent is to shock or disgust viewers,” the company explains.

Sensitive topics that deserve special attention on YouTube include elections, current conflicts and health crises, and information about government officials.

NV Techno previously wrote that YouTube is starting to use tools with generative artificial intelligence to work with comments and content. Testing is already underway with a limited number of Premium users.

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