Replacing the legend. Tim Cook reveals who will lead Apple after he leaves

Replacing the legend. Tim Cook reveals who will lead Apple after he leaves

November 23, 00:28 Share:

Tim Cook spoke about his successor at Apple (Photo: Screenshot from Apple video / YouTube)

63-year-old Apple CEO Tim Cook said back in 2021 that he would leave the company during this decade. He will be replaced by another person from the company.

Tim Cook has led Apple for the past 12 years.. In his post, he replaced the inventor and founder of the company, Steve Jobs, who died of pancreatic cancer.

Cook was appointed as the new CEO of Apple on Jobs' recommendation.. And Cook's successor is expected to be approved by his predecessor.

Cook did not confirm his plans to leave before 2031, but noted that the company is already thinking about who could lead Apple after him. Cook's role, he said, is to provide the board with the names of several candidates.

“We are now a company that believes in working on succession plans, so we have very detailed plans. Because something unpredictable can always happen. … I hope this doesn't happen. … I can’t say [name], but my job is to prepare a few people,” he noted on the BBC’s “Dua Lipa: At Your Service” podcast.

The CEO of the Cupertino company wants someone from Apple to become his successor.

“I really want this person, the next CEO, to come from Apple. My role is to make sure that the board can choose from several,” he added.

As NV Techno wrote, Tim Cook receives millions of dollars a year in his position. Amid criticism from Apple investors in early 2023, Cook refused a large bonus.

Read also: The father of the iPhone could not be wrong. TOP 5 rules of success from Steve Jobs Deadly simple. Steve Jobs used a genius trick at interviews when accepting a job at Apple

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