Something completely new. NASA and IBM want to entrust weather forecasting to AI

Something completely new. NASA and IBM want to entrust weather forecasting to AI

December 1, 02:03 Share:

NASA and IBM announced a large-scale project in the field of AI (Photo: REUTERS/Sergio Perez)

Existing AI models like GraphCast and Fourcastnet can already generate a weather forecast based on a set of data. But NASA and IBM have announced they have an ambitious goal to teach AI to truly forecast the weather.

IBM notes that existing AI forecasting tools are emulators that can make weather forecasts based on training data sets. At the same time, they are not basic models capable of reproducing the physical knowledge underlying weather forecasting. So NASA and IBM are looking to build and deploy a new, stand-alone core AI model for forecasting weather and climate change that can do just that.

“Using artificial intelligence technology from IBM, this model aims to improve the accuracy, speed and accessibility of weather forecasting and other climate programs. Sample applications of the model include not only forecasting, but…. determining conditions conducive to forest fires, forecasting meteorological phenomena. IBM researchers will work with NASA experts to train and validate the model,” IBM said in a press release.

In May, NASA and IBM deployed an artificial intelligence model that uses satellite data for geospatial analysis. It is now the largest geospatial model on the open source AI platform Hugging Face.

As Engadget notes, the model was used to track and visualize tree planting and cultivation in water tower areas in Kenya to address water scarcity.. The model is also used to analyze urban heat islands in the United Arab Emirates.

Previously, NV Techno wrote that the artificial intelligence meteorological model from Google DeepMind called GraphCast was significantly more effective than conventional weather forecasting methods. It can now generate a 10-day forecast in about a minute, using historical data from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

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