An unmanned mine clearance vehicle has been developed in Ukraine: what makes it unique?

The Ukrainian demining vehicle “People's Deminer” has passed preliminary tests on minefields: two leading domestic companies Efarm pro and “Kobzarenko Plant” have manufactured special equipment that is not inferior to foreign models.

The machine was created on the chassis of the T-156 tractor. It is equipped with an unmanned control system and can clear the territory along a predetermined trajectory.

Operational accuracy thanks to the developed system for precise processing of areas during mine clearance reaches no more than 2 cm of distance between stripes. By the way, similar precision farming equipment is installed on agricultural tractors and has already stood the test of time – high accuracy of both plowing and sowing is guaranteed.

True, the mine clearance machine is different from the agricultural version. Firstly, the T-156 mentioned above is not so much a tractor as a front loader, created on the basis of the KhTA-200-06 agricultural tractor of the Ukrainian patriarch of mechanical engineering KhTZ. The loader is maximally unified with the XTA-200.

This model of the T-156 front loader based on the XTA-200 tractor became the basis for a mine clearance machine. Photo:

Secondly, for the safety of the tractor operator, his presence in the cab is completely excluded. And this prompted the developers to abandon the cockpit altogether – it is missing here. This solution reduced the overall height of the equipment and minimized its vulnerability to flying debris from activated mines.

The main task was to develop a vehicle capable of withstanding the impact of mine explosions. And this is what the engineers and designers of Efarm pro and the Kobzarenko Plant achieved.

According to Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Igor Bezkaravayny, the new mine clearance machine is not inferior in its characteristics to the best Western analogues. It is capable of cleaning 5 thousand square meters of land in an hour.. The Croatian DOK-ING MV-10 cleans about the same amount.

“The certification of the machine and the launch of mass production are ahead. Taking into account the needs of operators for mine clearance machines, there will be a demand for the equipment,” said Igor Bezkaravayny.

And this is what the “People’s Deminer” looks like, made by domestic designers and engineers on the chassis of the T-156 front loader. Photo: Efarm pro

A domestically produced car will cost 5 times less than its foreign counterparts. In case of damage, there will be no problems with spare parts – the components and aggregate base are made in Ukraine. Such a machine can be repaired in any front-line city, even in small regional centers, where at one time there were branches of Agricultural Equipment.