Happy birthday, chat. 10 revolutionary changes that ChatGPT brought to the world in its first year of life

Happy birthday, chat. 10 revolutionary changes that ChatGPT brought to the world in its first year of life

December 1, 08:20 NV Premium Share:

ChatGPT: 10 paths to a new reality in 2023 (Photo: DALL-E)

Exactly a year ago, OpenAI introduced the world to its revolutionary product called ChatGPT. Let's look at how the world has changed over the past year.

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, represents a revolutionary advance in natural language processing. This is a variant of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer models ( GPT), which are a variation of the Large Language Model ( LLM).

And this is precisely the technology, after the appearance of which the world will no longer be the same.