"An unprecedented media attack." Trump's company will prove in court that his social network did not lose 73 million

“Unprecedented media attack”. Trump's company will prove in court that his social network did not lose 73 million

November 22, 13:11 Share:

Trump Media and Technology Group will sue dozens of media outlets (Photo: Getty Images)

The media company of the 45th US President Donald Trump is suing dozens of media outlets over the dissemination of news that erroneously stated that his social network showed not 31, but 73 million dollars in losses.

Trump Media and Technology Group claims that the figures in the Reuters report, which were distributed by dozens of other media outlets, were allegedly intentionally distorted and is seeking compensation of US$1.5 billion.

“This figure is a complete fabrication.. … This case involves an unprecedented and seemingly coordinated media campaign by no less than 20 major media outlets. … TMTG intends to hold these reckless and malicious media outlets accountable for their false reporting and for their seemingly coordinated efforts to destroy TMTG and Truth Social,” TMTG’s lawsuit states.

Reuters and some other publications said the incorrect $73 million figure was due to a calculation error. ( The $50.5 million gain for 2022 was recorded as a loss).

“We deny any allegations that Reuters disgraced TMTG or intended to harm TMTG. We corrected our error as soon as TMTG reported it, in accordance with Thomson Reuters Trust principles,” a Reuters spokesperson said in a statement, as quoted by Bloomberg.

In addition to Reuters, the lawsuit mentions such publications as The Guardian, The Hollywood Reporter, Miami Herald, Rolling Stone, The Hill, Deadline Hollywood, Benzinga, Axios, The Daily Beast, Salon, New York Daily News, Newsweek, MSNBC, Mediaite Daily and CNBC. Some of these media outlets have updated, corrected, or deleted their publications about the losses of Trump's social network.

As NV Techno wrote, after restrictions and blocking of his Twitter and Facebook pages, Donald Trump announced that he would launch his own social network. The official launch of Truth Social took place in February 2022. Trump was unblocked from Twitter in November 2022, nearly two years after being suspended, but he has not returned to the platform that was once his mainstay of communication with voters.

Read also: When I was president. Donald Trump published secret satellite images on Twitter Trump said that he would consider pro-Russian anchor Tucker Carlson for the position of vice president

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