Entertainment for Premium owners. You can now play online games on YouTube

Entertainment for Premium owners. You can now play online games on YouTube

November 29, 02:01 Share:

Online games appeared on YouTube (Photo: GekaSkr/Depositphotos)

YouTube has given Premium subscribers access to a selection of online games. They can be played both through a browser and using a mobile application.

Last week, subscription owners received an alert inviting them to try the built-in gaming service. It also stated that these games will be available until March 28, 2024, writes The Verge.

The games section is called Playables. It currently has 37 mini-games. You don't need to download anything to play any of them.. The choice of games is quite simple – from the popular Angry Birds Showdown, to crosswords, solitaire and arcade games. Games are available to Premium users in the tab Home” ( here you can see a selection of popular games) and in the section Review” ( here is a complete list of games).

https://twitter.com/photonstorm/status/1729156339048534425?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1729156339048534425%7Ctwgr%5Ee4571c6066da948e773607112b61 940f919fb0f1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theverge.com%2F2023% 2F11%2F27%2F23978515%2Fyoutube-playables-games-premium-subscribers

The publication notes that it does not yet seem that with the help of Playables the platform is trying to attract more gamers or motivate anyone to purchase a subscription. Playables looks more like additional entertainment for those who already have a subscription. At the same time, the launch of Playables marks Google's return to gaming.

Let us remember that at the beginning of the year Google stopped operating its cloud gaming service Stadia.. This service, launched in 2019, allowed users to play using the company's computing power.

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